
How to create a default email account

Now let’s set our Default (or catchall) email address. The default email address will “catch” any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named “How to Login to cPanel

Scroll to the section on Mail, and click on the Default Address link. This will take you to a screen where you set your default email address. All emails sent to an address you have not defined will go to the email address you enter here.

Initally, your default POP address is set as your catch-all account. For example, would give you an initial default address In this tutorial we are going to change this, as most people don’t use their default POP accounts.

In the line with the radio button marked “Forward to email address” enter into the box the email address you want to use as the default address. Then click the change button. Your default email address has now been set.

Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your default email account (catch-all) so that all unrouted email that is received by your domain is sent to a specific email address. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

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